A Fantastic 'Storm Poncho' Giveaway from Fourth Element
You might see me grinning from under my swimming robe on the beach these days, happy after a sea dip, but don't be fooled. I've always hated the cold water. It just wasn't for me. I've watched for years whilst friends and family sank into the sea in the winter months and talked about it as though it saved their souls. I was envious, but still couldn't bring myself to slide more than a toe in without recoiling in horror.
I wasn't just being a wimp - it hurts! The stabbing pain in my feet would bring tears to my eyes once I made it to ankle deep water. I'd moan, swear and retreat whilst all around me my experienced friends glided in without a murmur, left and right. I believed I was born with 'extra sensitive' skin, and silly as that sounds I might be onto something, but that's a tale of neurodiversity for another blog. For now, it's enough to tell you that I found a way to make it work for me, and I'm a convert.

Boots. Gloves. A neoprene swim top and a bloody good changing robe. These are the secret weapons that have allowed me to sea swim through the winter for the first time this year. I was holding on far too much to 'being tough' and going swimming just in my swimsuit (skins) but I couldn't do it, so I didn't do anything at all. This bull headed approach to being tough was getting me nowhere near the sea, so I changed it up a little and let go of my misplaced pride.
The neoprene boots mean that I can walk in without being frightened of the pain and stressed. With my feet covered I'm ok from the get-go. My bare legs don't feel the cold in the same way so it's no problem to walk right up to my waist even in January. My hands suffer the same pain as my feet, so with good gloves on I can put my arms in the water next without the agony that used to make me sick in my tummy. Then, the extra layer over my chest and mid-back means that I can immerse, and before I know it I'm swimming! In the sea. In the winter. Yes, slightly covered, but absolutely still reaping the rewards to body and mind. It doesn't matter if you go full wetsuit or full birthday suit, I've learned that whatever gets you in is exactly the right thing to wear, and in the cold water community no one seems to care or judge.
Fourth Element
Fourth Element is a company who make probably the most innovative and ocean-positive diving and swimming gear in their industry. In recent years they've developed swimwear ranges made from the recycled nylon of ghost fishing nets and are extremely conscious of their impact environmentally. I have their Storm Poncho and Ocean Positive Thermocline (non neoprene) swimsuit amongst other items, and I love them for my swims. I asked them if they'd be up for giving me some pieces to give to my readers and they happily agreed!
I'm delighted to be giving away a Storm Poncho changing robe worth over £140, kindly made possible by Fourth Element. All you need to do is to tell me why you'd like to win it! Pop your answer in the box below and send it over to me to read - the competition closes on midnight, Sunday 23rd May and I'll then read them all and choose an entry to announce the following week and let you know by email if you've been successful! Make sure you read the competition terms and conditions, which I've put below.

Warm, Technical, Waterproof and Stylish
This won't be the only giveaway I'm doing with the amazing Fourth Element. They've also committed to giving two pieces of their Ocean Positive swimwear away to this community too. I'll be giving one piece away on my Instagram and one on my Unlost Outdoors Facebook group, so make sure you're following those pages to get your change to grab a stylish and technical one piece or two piece in the next few weeks!
Enter the giveaway here!
Competition terms and conditions here. Good luck and thanks for taking part! Keep your eyes peeled on the socials for more.
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